Cut Out + Keep

Cute Little Or Big Watermelon!

A cute little Watermelon buddy! • Posted by Waffles The Ninja

I was making Fondasaurusrex's Simple Felt Strawberries and trying out different sizes, when I looked at all my half-circles and thought of watermelons. So I cut two to shape and made one :D Also, I apologize for the crappy picture quality! I was just taking them on my phone ^^;

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 0501000211 1272699165


I was making Fondasaurusrex's Simple Felt Strawberries and trying out different sizes, when I looked at all my half-circles and thought of watermelons. So I cut two to shape and made one :D Also, I apologize for the crappy picture quality! I was just taking them on my phone ^^;


  1. First of all, what you'll need! -Red felt -Black sharpie/Fabric marker/Fabric paint -Scissors -Sewing Needle -Thread [preferably red] Also, if you *want*, green felt.

  2. Here we go! Cut a pretty good-shaped circle, I traced it from a little perfume bottle, you could use anything, cups, bowls, cans, or just free-hand it!

  3. Small 0501000153a 1272701042

    Now, cut it in half!

  4. Small 0501000157 1272700416

    before I did this, I drew on some seeds and a cute little "=D" face, its easier now so I recommend that. Just make sure your drawings are on the inside for now! Now, hold the two pieces together, I used pins for mine, I would if you make one too big.

  5. Small 0501000203 1272699783

    Now, start sewing. I used the blanket stitch, I'm sure others would work though. Make sure you leave some open for the stuffing!!

  6. Small 0501000209 1272700571

    Once done with the stuffing, sew up the opening. It should look like the picture -Please excuse the extra string, I forgot to cut it off xD

  7. Small 0501000211 1272700608

    At this point, I realized that watermelons had green skin, oops! well, I couldn't sew on green felt, as you see its VERY small. So out comes the handy-dandy sharpie! If you want to do green felt, I suggest you make it at least times bigger than mine. I would probably sew it on around step 3.