Cut Out + Keep

Comic Shoes

Awesome and original style you create yourself! • Posted by Elle

I'm not the original person to post this idea of Comic Shoes. I just found the idea here recently but only as "Versions". However, the "Versions" inspired me enough to make my own and because I can't find any "How to"s on Comic Shoes I decided to make one myself for everyone! It's the coolest thing ever! :D Enjoy!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Medium 090915 204728 1253011883 Medium 090915 204716 1253011912 Medium 090915 204838 1253011943 Medium 090915 182034 1253011971


I'm not the original person to post this idea of Comic Shoes. I just found the idea here recently but only as "Versions". However, the "Versions" inspired me enough to make my own and because I can't find any "How to"s on Comic Shoes I decided to make one myself for everyone! It's the coolest thing ever! :D Enjoy!


  1. Small 090915 205010 1253011997

    You will need: Comic/Comics of your choice (Archie for me!) Mod Podge (I never knew about this until I decided to do this project. It's glue and finish in one. So you paste it all over the place and everything turns out glossy. If you're living in Australia like me, you can get some from the art & craft shop "Riot". I got this small bottle for about $7, larger bottle was about $17) If you don't have Mod Podge just use glue I suppose Scissors Paint brush And cheap plain shoes of your choice. I chose fake connies! Down from $12 to $8 bucks in K-mart. SCORE!! (This is not a common occurrence! lol)

  2. Small 090915 183115 1253012206

    Cut up heaps of pics from your chosen comic that you like. Cutting up my Archie was painful :'( lol but it was totally worth it because I now have Archie shoes!!!!! WOOOOOO

  3. Small 090915 195428 1253012282

    It's a good idea to paste mod podge on the shoe before you put your comic on (just bits at a time as you go- not the whole shoe). Also fill in the tricky bits with random bits of comic. As you can see in the pic I have done this with a little bit of blue sky from my comic.

  4. Small 090915 195520 1253012544

    Get some 'comic' and paint mod podge on the back of it. If the mod podge you just applied to the shoe is starting to dry slop some more on the shoe. Then put the comic on the shoe where you like. Smooth it down GENTLY with your fingers (but do it well so it sticks good lol). You will probably have to cut bits off your comic to make it fit on the shoe. Here I had to cut a curve out of the top. This was the hardest part about making the Comic shoe. Shaping the comic to fit. But you'll live.

  5. Small 090915 195640 1253012690

    Here we go about 15min later with second comic piece ... fail ... lol. I now admit it is my first time doing anything like this and Mod Podge.... I'm proud :) ****I've painted a thin strip of mod podge between the comic pieces to make sure they all stick together. Do not paint over the rest of the comic yet.

  6. Small 090915 192623 1253012901

    Cutting off annoying edges of comic.

  7. Small 090915 194421 1253012832

    Let us fast-forward about half an hour. I have finished a shoe!!! Look how cool it is!! Now we can paint mod podge (mod podge is white but dries clear) all over the comic on the shoe to 'seal' it off and make it shiney and shiz.

  8. Small 090915 204838 1253012951

    And yay! After around an hour the whole thing is done..... OR you are putting your new awesome shoes on a shelf to dry... They look awesome anyways!! Well, as much as I'd like to I'm not going to try to wear them until tomorrow. I want the glue to fully dry and I don't want anything to peel off etc (gahh... scary!!!). Well wish me luck. Hopefully these will last a while! :D Though I don't expect them too.

  9. Small 090915 204716 1253013121

    Check out the *before* pic up top :) New quest ... to find waterproof shoe spray or some kind of sealant to put on my shoe to give them a longer life!! Yays! Good luck everyone with the craft. Comment if you like. Love to hear from you all :) Thanks for stoppin by