Cut Out + Keep

Cheetah Print Skirt

A cute simple skirt in no time • Posted by Ariana G.

I got really bored one day, and started cleaning out my fabric bin when I saw this cheetah print I'd yet to use. Seeing as I had nothing else to do, I decided to make a quick tutorial! Hope you like it :]

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0869 1296403682


I got really bored one day, and started cleaning out my fabric bin when I saw this cheetah print I'd yet to use. Seeing as I had nothing else to do, I decided to make a quick tutorial! Hope you like it :]


  1. Small img 0851 1296398983

    Find your fabric! For this skirt I chose a cotton-like cheetah print.

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    THIS IS OPTIONAL!!!!! I'm not doing it on this one, but for those of you who want one you are smart enough to figure out how to sew on a waistband. Cut out a rectangle of fabric for the waist-piece--we'll call it Fabric A. It should be (length you want + seam allowance)" by (hip measurement + seam allowance)" Also cut a piece of elastic, the length around your hips.

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    The next piece of fabric--we'll call it Fabric B--is the skirt part. It should be (length you want it + 1 inch)" by (hip measurement x 2 + seam allowance)"

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    Flip the fabric so the pattern is on the bottom, and fold back an inch along the top. Pin it in place. This is where you'll put your elastic through.

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    Sew along the bottom of the fold, all the way across your Fabric B. Because I don't have a sewing machine at the moment, I sewed by hand. You can if you want to, but I don't recommend it if your looking for a quick project. Use a sewing machine, it's neater and faster unless you're really good at hand sewing and/or love it.

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    Now, take a safety pin and attach it to one end of the elastic. Using the safety pin, push and pull it through the fold you just sewed. The fabric will gather by itself.

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    Using the safety pin, push and pull it through the fold you just sewed. The fabric will gather by itself.

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    Sew the ends to the fabric closed, elastic between them.

  9. Sew the sides of the fabric together, and flip it right-side-out. Try it on, and make any adjustments you need to. Mine is a little limp, as I messed up and didn't have enough fabric, but hopefully yours turns out better!