Cut Out + Keep

Bing Bunny

Calling all Bingsters! • Posted by Caz

My 2 year old nephew is Bing Bunny crazy so I was so excited when I found a sewing pattern on the official Bing Bunny website - He is made from fleece and felt so he is the perfect cuddle buddy for any Bingster. He took me 2 evenings to make. I chose to machine sew his body and hand sew his clothing.

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


8 h 00


Medium 111114 2f2015 09 18 213725 sam 2499%2b 282 29 Medium 111114 2f2015 09 18 213742 sam 2501%2b 282 29


My 2 year old nephew is Bing Bunny crazy so I was so excited when I found a sewing pattern on the official Bing Bunny website - He is made from fleece and felt so he is the perfect cuddle buddy for any Bingster. He took me 2 evenings to make. I chose to machine sew his body and hand sew his clothing.
