Cut Out + Keep

Amazing Shoe Recon. :d Wip

My First Shoe Recon • Posted by DIS.AR.RAY

There are still some blank spots, and to add texture and get rid of those spots, I'm going to use that fabric paint that comes in those bottles. I'm planning on making the poon purple, and coloring the bottom of the other shoe, and a couple other thing. Also adding some sparkley glue. maybe some buttons. etc. :D I'll post the COMPLETELY finished pictures WHEN I finish. :D NEXT SHOE RECON PROJECT: White converse knee-highs. :D that's going to be fun. DISCLAIMER: My legs are not green, those are my FAVORITE pair of green leggins :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 058 1218080851 Medium 054 1218080920 Medium 055 1218080930 Medium 057 1218081117 Medium 061 1218081129 Medium 062 1218081142


There are still some blank spots, and to add texture and get rid of those spots, I'm going to use that fabric paint that comes in those bottles. I'm planning on making the poon purple, and coloring the bottom of the other shoe, and a couple other thing. Also adding some sparkley glue. maybe some buttons. etc. :D I'll post the COMPLETELY finished pictures WHEN I finish. :D NEXT SHOE RECON PROJECT: White converse knee-highs. :D that's going to be fun. DISCLAIMER: My legs are not green, those are my FAVORITE pair of green leggins :D
