Animal Crossing Swap?

Hey all! I haven't been on this site in AGES! Just wondering if we have any Animal Crossing fans on here? I'm a HUGE fan & have been in the mood to make some AC related crafts & would love to do a swap!


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5 replies since 2nd June 2010 • Last reply 2nd June 2010

Hey I like Animal Crossing. I play it every now and again!! I used to play it ALL THE TIME!!

Do you play it on the Nintendo DS or Wii? I play it on the Wii. If you play it on the Wii I'll give you my friend code at some point if you like.

I wouldn't mind doing an Animal Crossing themed swap, although just so people know I have never done a swap before :S

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Sure sounds fun!!

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Awesome! I'm currently playing AC:CF but I've also played AC:WW. Are either of you a member of ACC? I have a profile on there Happy & yes yes, please send me your FC! I wifi all the time Happy

Anyways, I've never done a swap either but it doesn't seem like it'll be very hard to organize, haha! I just have TONS of ideas of an AC swap and no one on the ACC boards is interested...lame-o's. So, I'll give this thread until Saturday & see if anyone pops in interested & then assign partners & set deadlines and la di da. ;)

Come all ye fellow AC players! Join us, join us!

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Holy heck! I LOVE ANIMAL CROSSING. I prefer the one on the DS 'cause I never liked the wii. But, I'm not sure if I'll be able to take part in this swap. I have another one going at the moment, the peace one, and I don't know if I'd be able to do this one. I'll post back here once I know! It's a rad idea though! Happy

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Ok cool, I think I'd be interested in taking part in the swap. I have one or two ideas...

I play Animal Crossing: Let's Go To The City which is the UK version of Animal Crossing: City Folk... I think. I wanted to try Animal Crossing on the DS to, when I get some money I will Happy

Mandy I think I have an account on ACC, though I haven't used it in a while.

My friend code is: 1892-1634-0585
My characters name is: Becky
My Town is called: Amethyst

So if anyone here is interested in adding me I would be delighted as I've never gone outside my own town before Happy

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