Making/Fixing SHOES. all help appreciated<3

Hey you!
So I want new shoes. and I dont have the money to buy cool shoes. So, What platform-y shows can I make out of this general stuff?

Cheap brown boots with a nice bottom/sole and buttons

Old flip flops

Lace(black, turquose, white)

A few assorted eyelets.

One zipper :3

Nice soft-y black material

Some seed beads.

A few chains.

Possible thick elastic

Small bells
~ End list~

Alright, so I am thinking goodbye the brown part, hotglue the flipflop and keep that the shoe. ( I cant have platform shoes in school and this hides it without wearing heels. shhs!) Using the black material to make a scrunchy boot. The white lace somewhere, the eyelets on the side like converse, and chains like anklets. and jiingle bells somehow so they are noisy.-

What do you think, any ideas or inspiration pics, or things I should do differently??

Note, my style is kinda a gothic lolita punk rocker thing. (:

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2 replies since 26th August 2011 • Last reply 26th August 2011

Heres the link to the sweater boots tutorial Happy

Maybe you should just spray paint your brown heels a new color and hot glue on some lace and chains that have dangly bows? Thats all I can think of, sorry Happy

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Here is a shoe recycle project I have done. I would suggest you look around CO&K for ideas!

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