Aiemethyst here

Hello everyone,

I'm Aiemethyst & I love making crafts and trying new things. Basically I love yarn and needle works, but I'm also into any interesting crafts such as baking as well as beauty. However, I'm rarely could find an ample time for me to record and post all those works. But I'll post my 1st tutorial soon enough for everyone.Love

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3 replies since 7th June 2016 • Last reply 8th June 2016

Hi Aiemethyst Love Welcome to CO+K !
I love seeing new projects from our newest members, cant wait to see what you create!
You can save things you like by "favorite" ing them, or saving them to "List" you make up. And you have a whole bio page you can fill in too with things your want to share. Have funTongue

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Hey Aiemethyst, I can't wait to see your first tutorial - what do you think it'll be? Happy

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Hey Aiemethyst welcome to the boards, cant wait to see some of your tutorials

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