What are you up to these days?

I'm really into DIYing clothing items right now so these days I'm trying to mix and match different colors and patterns and stuff.

I am also taking cooking classes so I'm hoping to share a recipe here Happy

What are you up to?

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3 replies since 26th June 2014 • Last reply 26th June 2014

I'm in the middle of my NvV swap, as the newbie~

I've been doing a looooot of cleaning, and I'll be posting a how-to for redecorating soon ;) Fortunately I've had enough time and I'e done a couple of paintings.

Oh, and I'm in the middle of making a hat for a contest, I can't decide what theme to go with. Any suggestions?

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That would be great! My family and I are moving to an apartment so I'll have to think of a new way to decorate my room!

Is it like any hat contest or crotchet or knitted..?
That would be cool if you made a Crafterella hat or A hat that looks like Bobbin Crafterella's cat.
That'd be hard

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I'm trying to make a book of legends/ a Legendarum

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