What can I make for my 11 yr old nephew?

I've been making loads of my pressies this year and just buying the odd bit to supplement things but I'm totally stumped with my nephew.
He's a bit geeky (must be my genes coming out there).
I have some glow in the dark fimo as I thought that might inspire me, but so far no joy :/

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6 replies since 3rd December 2010 • Last reply 3rd December 2010

Glow in the dark fimo sounds awesome.I just discovered magnet tape with an adhesive back at DIY store.Makes great magnets for message boards or fridge.
Gear bags for tiny things.

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He likes Michael Jackson so I've made the zombie thriller Michael Jackson plushie that was on here as a project. I made that today with some old scraps of felt. I've got some magnets too so I could have a play around with them and the fimo and see what I come up with.

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thats cool, I bet he will love it

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ooo glow in the dark Fimo? That sounds awesome!The first thing I taught when I read your post was a glow in the dark ghost mobile.Maybe make some little ghosts or bones from the fimo and hang them up as a mobile?

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geeky's a bit broad...comic book geeky? Sci-fi geeky? Computer geeky? All of the above?

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Dr Who, computery and into Queen and Michael Jackson and 80s/90s stuff. He also really like dancing and got him a dance dvd last year.
Glow in the dark mobile sounds good Happy

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