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23 replies since 5th February 2009 • Last reply 5th February 2009

ack, I want snow! never seen even the fake-o stuff before

anyway, good for you, ezme! =)

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This is the first snow day of my life. And the last year I'll probably be allowed to have one. Yussssss!

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hha! yay! got back from sledging! Happy
roma dont you live in Oxfordshire? cos if you do SNOOOWWW!

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We've got loads of it! Our school is closed so I should be doing some courseowkr...but my folder is in school. Aww well Happy

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such a shame eh?! XD
we have around 2/3 inches which is pretty good for here! and in some places it is 5in! YAY1

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wow, you know the novelty wears off when ur into the 2nth month of winter and got 4 feet of snow. Although the other day we made a snow fort

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I have never ever seen snowing, there's always hot in my city!
I really would love to see it!

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No, I live in Wiltshire... which still means snooooooow! hehe.

We found my old art teacher in the local park


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you can have some of our snow if you would like! hehe

Further down the country they're running out of salt to put on the roads!! It's not been so bad up here though

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Today was my first ever snow day =) and it was just as well! The snow all came down at about 1am, and when me, Tim and Chaz noticed this at 3am we ran out into the snow haha. But I was just wearing my nightie, Tim's dressing gown and my boots so I was horribly cold! Then we took some whiskey up to the local park and walked up to the top of this huge hill so we could look over Bristol. It was just so stunning =)

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I had snow days on Monday and Tuesday, my first lesson on Wednesday wasn't til 11, today was a half day and tomorrow is an inset day. Soooo I've only had one full day of college this week Happy
All our snow has melted now though which is disappointing, and there are just random patches of ice/slush all over the place.

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I've had a snow day all week without much snow lol

I can't get over the fus they're making over it but then we can barely cope with rain. This woman on newsnight said 'more snow will come with global warming' even though on the news they said it's nothing to do with global warming, it's called the weather! A guy on the news said 'its diabolical, it's like a 3rd world country' when asked about the country going on stand still cuz of the snow. I can't believe he actually said it's like a 3rd world country...they don't even have snow in '3rd world' countries let alone motorways to close. Another guy said 'I have to drive really slowly now' so you should anyway snow or no snow! It's quite funny at the same time.

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You all must don't get snow very much. I'm in the states, now though where there is no snow, THANK GOODNESS! I lived up north in Ohio state and I grew up in blizzards where you got snowed in for days, not only was there no school, but nothing else for that matter. You weren't even allowed out driving in it, so you better hope you were stocked up on the hot cocoa. If I ever seen any more of that stuff it would be too soon. Would you believe one year it snowed up until the middle of May one year?! MADNESS! ABSOLUTE MADNESS I TELL YA!

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Worse snow for 20 years, I think it's a British thing. More rain than usual, more sunshine than usual, snow in small amounts or large amounts and the country goes mental. We get snow in winter but like a small amount over a day or two but this has been going on for nearly a week, we didn't get as much where I live though. The country doesn't actually have the means to cope with this much snow.

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