so yeah, if you have a account, link to it here, g'wan [url=]My account[/url:b0eeb] enjoy. C O + K Group - [url:b0eeb][/url:b0eeb]

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8 replies since 24th March 2007 • Last reply 24th March 2007

I have one [url:2cd2f][/url:2cd2f]

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[url:e47d9]http&#58;//www&#46;last&#46;fm/user/Glinda/[/url:e47d9] <!-- s:dance: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/ecstatic.gif" alt="dance" title="dance" /><!-- s:dance: -->

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do you want me to make a new group to replace the old one?

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&quot;martwizzle&quot;:4d003 wrote:
do you want me to make a new group to replace the old one?

Oh yeah, I had forgotten all about that. I'll see if I can change the old ones name first. <!-- s:smoke: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/high.gif" alt="smoke" title="smoke" /><!-- s:smoke: -->

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I've already checked and you can't...

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&quot;martwizzle&quot;:a4a2c wrote:
I've already checked and you can't...

Aww, pity. Guess we'll start a new one then?

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I'm [url=http&#58;//www&#46;last&#46;fm/user/zootm:de1d1]zootm[/url:de1d1]... yay! <!-- sHappy --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/hyper.gif" alt="excited" title="excited" /><!-- sHappy -->

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Here we go, the new Cut Out + Keep last fm group - [url:5ee94]http&#58;//www&#46;last&#46;fm/group/Cut+Out+And+Keep/[/url:5ee94]

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