Star Trek TOS Skant uniform

Hi all, I'm wanting to make myself a Star Trak Original Series female uniform, which hilariously is called the 'skant' uniform. Just wondering if any one one CO+K has tried it before and can offer any hints and tips about patterns and material?

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5 replies since 8th February 2014 • Last reply 8th February 2014

Like this one Happy

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This isn't a perfect cosplay version, but it's a great easy one for cheap.

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Thanks, I did spot this one on youtube and it's excellent but I'm really wanting the authentic looking uniform, cause I'm a weirdo Happy
I think I'm just going to have to dummy my own pattern, it'll be an adventure if nothing else Happy

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If you want to buy a pattern:

If you are really comfortable with the adventurous:

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Thanks for the links, it is essentially the pattern I sketched out so at least it doesn't seem like such an intimidating project now Happy
As far as I can gather from the Roddenberry site, the reviews for the pattern are pretty dire and everyone that's purchased it has had to alter it a lot so I think I'll save the £20 and try and dummy my own one.

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