Cut Out + Keep

Repurposed Scarf Flip Flops

A cheap and easy way to add some glamour to your flip flops! • Posted by Knits & Brew

We just LOVE making these flip flops! If you've got a scarf or some fabric stashed at home or in your craft kit which you've been waiting to use, then this is the project to dig it our for! This project is super easy, super quick and adds such a great pop of colour and personality to your summer wardrobe...we have several pairs, they're just addictive to make! If your flip flops rub your feet and make them sore this is also a great way to make them more sore spots! Enjoy :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 113596 2f2016 03 04 141538 p1020161edit


We just LOVE making these flip flops! If you've got a scarf or some fabric stashed at home or in your craft kit which you've been waiting to use, then this is the project to dig it our for! This project is super easy, super quick and adds such a great pop of colour and personality to your summer wardrobe...we have several pairs, they're just addictive to make! If your flip flops rub your feet and make them sore this is also a great way to make them more sore spots! Enjoy :)


  1. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142034 p1020115edit

    Gather your awesome materials!

  2. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142038 p1020117edit

    Cut your scarf or fabric into 4 pieces, each approx. 40 inches wide and approx. 72 inches long

  3. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142052 p1020120edit

    Cut the straps off your flip flops and chuck em away!

  4. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142118 p1020131edit

    Cut a V-shape into the top of all four scarf pieces.

  5. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142132 p1020135edit

    Take two of your scarf pieces by the top and push them both together through the top toe hole in each flip flop.

  6. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142153 p1020136edit

    Tie together in a big double knot and pull tight to fit inside the hole on the underside of the sole.

  7. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142205 p1020137edit

    Cut the ends and squash your knot into the hole. Secure using glue gun if you have one.

  8. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142254 p1020138edit

    Turn over and tie a knot approx. one inch off the base (this is to keep your toes snug!) Try putting your feet in to see how they fit.

  9. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142301 p1020140edit

    Tie another knot, roughly one inch higher than the first knot.

  10. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142328 p1020141edit

    Pop the ends through each rear hole…

  11. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142343 p1020144edit

    …and put your feet in to make sure you get the right size. Pull tight (they will get slacker over time), do a double knot each end then snip and secure as before.

  12. Small 113596 2f2016 03 04 142355 p1020161edit

    …and voila, marvel at your flip flop making skills! Now all you need is a beach and a pina colada to go with them. Enjoy! :)